Take a pause and take a deep breathe...

Now think back to five years ago. Where were you? How were you? Mentally? Financially? Spiritually? Sometimes I fail to see just how far I've come, and it never fails I forget to take a step back to really see how much I have learned...From my greatest accomplishments of that ERA to how they compare to my current accomplishments. To taking a deeper dive into my failures and, WHY those failures affected me so much mentally and emotionally, and now I completely understand how the failures teach us the most. They make us who we are! You're okay! This day to shall pass, sometimes we just have to take it one day at a time.

Each failure that ultimately led to learning a ton and correcting the issue. Which means you learned something from it. Especially if you changed because of it. Congratulations on being self-aware and knowing we are all still learning. People just assume that when you fire up a business you KNOW everything or do every single thing perfectly. Well, here's the thing, we are human. We aren't CEOs at some cooperate office with thousands of employees. Running a business is hard, I can't speak for every small business, but the ones I'm referring to here. Are the ones who stay up all night completing orders and prepping gear and completing even more orders. Drinking entirely too much caffeine, staying up too late and then working 12-hour days right after. These people are the small business owners I am referring to. The point is ALOT of what we do in the first 2-3 years is learn and the journey 3 years and up you're still learning new things because things change, people change and editing styles and camera quality will need to expand as the times change and your vision for your work changes.

Photography is so hard, and it's extra hard when you don't have support from other photographers or people in your life, no matter their skill level or experience. I make it a point to go out of my way to be a safe space for new photographers. If you are a new photographer, feel free to shoot me an email of any questions you may have. I also try to be kind any chance I get, if someone drops a ribbon, I am the first one running to grab it (even when I twist my ankle and almost faceplant). If a little girl in your training program is crying because her pony was bucking down the entire short side of the arena. For one I take awesome pictures of it and tell her WHAT AN AMAZING RIDER she is because she rode it out! For the next part of this I will include a little bit about my spiritual beliefs and if it's not something you're into that is totally fine you can exit, I will not think any less of you. Just know I want the best for you and will never push my beliefs on anyone but am an ear for anyone who wants to talk, and I'll talk if you're willing to listen.

In Hebrew 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

I lose faith in myself often when I feel I'm not progressing in a specific season of my life as fast as I wish I could. The scary thing is we don't know where we will be in 5 years. Are we good enough? Will we make enough money to survive this winter? We lose faith in ourselves and confidence in ourselves, and we forget that all things are possible. Work hard, pray hard, love hard and help or give whenever you can. In my moments of self-doubt, I read the good book or sections of it when I feel I need reassurance during my waiting period. This really will calm my anxiety and it does it every single time. What's truly important is seeing how blessed we've been to get to where we are. All the small things that had to align just right to position you into the spot you are in right now. Look at us growing into great small business owners with a faith to move mountains, but still human enough that we forget todays a gift and we forget to soak in the moment because it won't be like this forever.

Just because YOU can't see the future of you, or your small business doesn't mean you are what you may feel or think you are at times. Have faith in what skills you have, be confident that you are supposed to be where you are right now! He knows best and will guide you where you need to be. He will remove anything not fit for your journey.