Know Your Worth..

Knowing your worth begins with being able to tell people, no. This is something I have struggled with immensely in my photography/business journey. I always struggled to set boundaries when it came to my business. Learning to say “no”, confidently does not happen overnight. In fact, it has taken me about four years to be confident enough to tell people no, and to set boundaries within my business and my personal life. Once the quality of your product continues to rise and you continue to grow as a person, and a small business owner. You will need to find your crowd, people who will push you for greatness and support you no matter what. You will need a village, don't have one? MAKE ONE! I will admit it is hard to find genuine people in this day and age that care about not only your success but your business' as well, but it is not impossible. I make it a point to be a support for new photographers. There are good and bad days even when you own and operate your own business and sometimes you just need someone to tell you that you to will be okay. Don't give up! If you are in need of a pep talk do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am here for you!!

How do I gain confidence in my art? Keep working, do model calls! Practice makes perfect, in order to reach any goal, you have to work at it. Photography is the exact same way. It takes a lot of practice, and education. I have studied the art of photography for the past 5 years and let me tell you, I am still learning! You can never have too much knowledge. Model calls have always been one of my favorite ways to meet new equestrian friends and build a lasting relationship by providing a service. The majority of the time they purchase their images and show support for TKP in many ways. I’ve had models turn into long term clients and friends. I still do model calls when I want to test a new location or just to get out and have some fun. Hosting a model call is a great way to expand your portfolio as well as build up that (in session) confidence which is vital. You have to be comfortable directing people, complimenting people and giving them the session experience they will remember forever. We don’t just capture memories, we make them!

Mindset matters, you have to overcome those mind monsters that constantly tell you that “you will never be good enough”, that’s fear talking, and we do not give power to fear. Changing your mindset from “I’ll never make it” to “I can do all things”. You hold the power to control the outcome of your life, use it! Changing your circumstances starts in the mind. I have so many new photographers who come to me when their group starts to compare work or treat them like competition. New photographers do not need any more help convincing themselves that they can’t make it in photography. Never allow someone to convince you that you aren’t good enough. Everyone says “photographers are over saturated” there are a lot of us but there is only one YOU, and you are worthy of being a photographer! Produce something true to you, the clients will come later. Have faith in your product, and in yourself. The rest will fall into place.

1. Joshua 1:9 – Be Strong & Courageous

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

When you don’t feel like you’re good enough, it’s easy to want to blend in, hide in the back, and avoid bringing any attention to yourself. 

But God commands you to be strong and courageous

Not in your own abilities or strengths, but because God will be with you wherever you go. You can live in confidence because of His strength.